Wednesday 9 September 2009

This is how I assume _____ works

This week economics. I was prompted to my studies into world, Internet
and inane economics after catching up on some blog entries from

In one entry he refers to Venice and how full of fucking mask shops it
is. Yea I get it, carnivale and all...but...really in such a tourist
trap as Venice I doubt they have a fucking sex party every night of
the week (or so it isn't solely a sex party but feh)

So this is a basis for how economics must work in tourist ville, this
can however be transposed to pretty much every software vendor on the
Internet mostly on the app store. after yesterdays apple launch of new
iPods etc, they showed a couple of games in development one which
seemed to be a direct port of audiosurf from steam, and a fps Halo
clone. Seriously it looked the fucking same. Anyhoo luke economics
Person A) hi do you sell masks
Vendor) No we do not
Person B) do you sell masks
Vendor) No we do not!
Person C) do you sell masks
Vendor) yes but as the sole supplier they are fucking expensive but to
keep your trade they are high quality.
(every fucking moron with half an idea sees the roaring mask trade)
Market gets flooded people get the fuck off.
A few years later only a few people carry masks but once again the are
expensive but now lower quality as they are too expensive to maintain.

This is it pretty much it, I assume I am right cos why would I be
wrong. Can't think of something original rip someone clever off and
flood your Market with shite.

Thanks, nothing funnier than that today. Suck it up.

Sent from my iPhone

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