Monday, 19 April 2010

it's about time

Sometimes all it takes is one meeting to scare the Bee jesus out of you.


Can’t really go into details but essentially, people have not given us enough information, we assumed everything was ok and then it turns round and bites everyone in the ass. This seems vaguely familiar in some respects, I mean lets look at what happened to the economy…from my blinkered opinionated view. Banks around the world carried on, sold packages doomed to fail, debt climbed books were cooked black magic was performed. We thought oh the answer will come it will all be ok, and didn’t worry…then we got fucked.


Kinda what happened here, but I’m on the front line.


A tip, never work in IT you’ll go grey really young. Or bald take your pick.


So the internet, what’s been going on, feels like I have been away for a while.


New iPhone 4g: It’s a Prototype case, a base hardware platform from which they can stick new toys and play around with software. The look is just kind of wrong; it doesn’t seem to adhere to any of apples recent design principles. Gizmodo boldly claims this is apples next iPhone, and yeh they have a phone in their grubby mitts but I am not sold, because of the above reasons. I mean look at the design verdict is ours I feel.


Such Tweet Sorrow #suchtweet : Hmmm, @hannahnicklin posted a very good blog post on this, so I won’t reiterate her points, but will instead link to this…


From my point of view (Oooh look at that im in the comments) I feel that actors, who are under the instruction of writers, may be ill equipped to tackle this project. I am not uniquely equipped or skilled here, I am a drama graduate, with a lot of experience in improve and some experience in writing theatre, I have been paid for my work and I have asked to perform in many places. I am also au fait with the internet and computing. I am a technician with experience with networking and desktop, I am deep in technology, and whilst I am not positioned as a great SocMed contributor, I am deeply involved. I try my best. I am upcoming I hope, I am starting to really feel I can voice my opinions in a valid way. Anyhoo I have plans in my mind, plans which have been tested in other guises, people who will be interested if I approach them.  I think I can create something new here.


Or recycled garbage, fuck it it’s new to me.



To those who enjoy my style of writing, it’s nothing new; I write from the gut and apply the TLDR rule to my own walls of text. Those who don’t like it aaah well can’t please everyone but I do try and entertain you.


Peace out yall

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Digital economy Bill #Debill

Well it’s official, it is #Debill day today.


Ok well maybe not officially, but if you listen to Radio5 or follow @documentally and listen to his Boo’s, hell even if you keep one eye on politics and believe your rights matter in the digital economy / society then it most definitely IS #debill day today.


For those of you who, like me, are not always the best of informed people then let me find some links for you. well that’ll be the open rights group then what we do next... a summary of the bill from the government and relevant information Guardian on how bill has exposed broken system


So first, let’s make some noise. If you are reading this and you are also, lets not say angered but instead, frustrated by the #Debill then here is something to note. The bill is not only about the infringement of rights on citizens when it comes to downloading, it also covers things like forcing Channel 4 to make public service broadcasts open to public; it seems there are some good things in the bill. However you can’t deny that there are some absolute whopping great holes in the theories and technical implementation proposed.


Basically, if you value your rights on the internet, you want information to be free and accessible then please make some noise with us., Lets get the word out there, let the media know how appalled we are. Ask you local MP why they voted for the bill if they did, or as I am about to do, why they didn’t show altogether!


Shout it out.