No suprise hey, everyone can, yeh I know that too. But lets take a
minute here to ponder those fucking cool things.
sattelite communications: you can talk to anyone anywhere in the
world. View television LIVE from anywhere if you wish, to quote the
cable guy play mortal combat agai st a friend in china. Awesome.
•read ebooks anywhere: might not seem astonishing until you realise
the kindle is using epaper. A screen developed to work like paper,
viewable in high and low lighting with no backlight, yeh it's refresh
rate sucks (links and reasons after the break) but it's fucking cool.
•email / blog / tweet from anywhere: case in point, I'm emailing this
entry from my iPhone. Fuck yes.
Ok more about super cool technology hacks/stuff I do ^_^
•use a PSP as a second / third screen on you pc...wirelessly: using
pspdisp driver and a custom psp you can get a small screen. Useful for
system info / monitoring whilst in game / video.
• use conductive fabric and paint to implement technology into almost
anything: oh yeah there is graffiti with led's built in, circuit
boards built into clothes. This shit is amazing.
There are millions of other cool things I do and you can,
Free your mind at: home of most of my inspiration holiday home of my insipration
Short one today. Not too much going on being POETS day I'm shattered
from work. (piss off early tomorrow Saturday)
They may go early I have to fix their stuff so they can.
Sent from my iPhone even any spelling mistakes!